Crickets are well known for their cheerful chirp and playful hop. However, while a nocturnal chorus can add a little charm to your midnight stroll, hosting them in your home or yard is not quite so innocent. Unbeknownst to many, crickets are omnivores and can be a significant agricultural nuisance. They can take over your garden, nibbling on fruit, grass, and other vegetation. Some even eat dead insects, including other crickets. Once inside your home, they can contaminate incorrectly stored food and cause damage by chewing on drywall.
Though they are large and easy to spot, catching them can be challenging as they jump around your home. Their giant legs are responsible for their impressive leaping abilities, but they are also where their ears are located. Crickets have an average lifespan of only 90 days, but they can still be very disruptive in that short time. Though an occasional passing cricket is nothing to be alarmed at, numerous or frequent visitors may require expert help from a pest control professional specializing in control and exclusion.
Washington State Crickets
Of the 120 U.S. species, the two most common found in the state of Washington are the Field and House Cricket. Both are capable of entering Washington homes through cracks and crevices and becoming a household nuisance. They typically congregate in woodpiles, flower beds, and other outdoor elements but are also attracted to sweet odors and building lights. Accordingly, some people install yellow-tinted or motion-activated lights to act as a deterrence.
As an overwintering species, they are most commonly seen seeking shelter in the fall and invading human habitations to escape cool outdoor temperatures. Interestingly, the warmer the weather, the faster they chirp, which is why house crickets can be particularly talkative.
For the most part, they are relatively harmless and rarely bite, but that does not mean that you should welcome them into your home as co-inhabitants. Like other household pests, their droppings can spread diseases like salmonella and Escherichia coli. Not to mention, their relentless chirping can lead to sleepless nights. While it is highly unlikely for them to cause you direct physical harm, the same cannot be said for household fabrics. As they feed on cotton, wool, nylon, and other linens, they can cause significant damage resulting in holes, shredded edges, and many loose strings. Additionally, fabrics tainted by sweat, bodily oils, or food stains are particularly enticing to them.
Integrated Pest Management in Allyn, WA
Eliminating clutter from the environment can help deter curious critters, but hiring a professional is usually necessary to take care of a progressed infestation. Both indoor and outdoor treatments are used to eliminate and control problematic infestations, but application timing is crucial as temperature plays a role in efficacy. Solutions for lawn pest control are especially challenging without critical knowledge or experience. Splat Pest Control provides non-invasive integrated pest management strategies to help residential and commercial property owners in Allyn, Washington, and surrounding areas.
Contact us today to learn more about our environmentally friendly methods for maintaining a pest-free environment.
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